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The Chaser

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The Chaser

With amazing green eyes, a pretty chocolate-pointed coloring, and sweet and feisty personality, our little boy kitty is definitely perfect. When Mom and I went to look at him, we weren’t sure if we would buy him.

Since he’d be our future stud cat, he would have to have really good Tokinese characteristics to pass on to his offspring. When we first set our eyes on him, there was no doubt about it: he was the one!

He would technically be my kitty therefore, we set up my room for my new little pet. At first my little guy was very scared of my room, since it was such a new environment! Nonetheless, before long, he was purring like a lawn mower and playing around!

As always, there was the big decision of what to name my little boy. It had to start with a ‘C’, like all the rest of the kitties, and had to be a nice name. Mom and I were searching for names like crazy. We went through Conquest, Coco, Casper, Captain, and many more. Finally, I said “Chase,” after a character in the TV show
“It fits since he’ll be chasing the mice and girls!” Mom laughed. So Chase he was.

Chase had only just gotten used to my room, when Mom decided that it was time to introduce him to Cassy and Carley. We rather expected them to be friends; we were terribly wrong. Carley, and especially Cassy through major fits. They hissed and spit at Chase, essentially telling him to “Get out!” Occasionally, when they were all playing, they’d forget about each other but those times never lasted long. After about 20 seconds of non-hissing playing together, they’d jump away and give vicious hisses and growls. Slowly, over the next two days, Cassy, Carley, and Chase got less vicious with each other. Being stuck in Mom’s bathroom together seemed to be working. But it wasn’t working fast enough, so Mom locked them in their make-shift home area in her glass shower. That did the trick, and one night and two days later, the conflict was settled. Mom was very happy we had gotten Chase early on, while they were all still kittens. None of us want to even think about what would’ve happened if Cassy and Carley had been full-grown cats throwing temper tantrums!

Now that the kitty conflict had finally been resolved, I was very excited to get to sleep with my pretty boy. This happenned on the 21 of December! Since we’d been out to a summer solstice party that night, I was really tired. Chase, of course, was full of energy. He played with my toes, jumped all over the bed, purred at the top of his lungs, and wouldn’t settle down! I must have fallen asleep eventually, because I woke up feeling like I was in a sauna with Chase curled up right next to my neck, his body heat raising my temperature so high I was sweating! Not wanting him to heat my body up again, the next night, I made him a bed out of a blanket and he slept in there the whole night. I got a few pictures of him too. He was so cute, with his head sticking out of the blanket, his paws on top. He looked like a little sleeping baby.

Now used to the routine, Chase sleeps with me at night, then goes and plays with Cassy and Carley during the day. When the three kitties grow up, we’ll breed them and see how it goes. Mom says we’ll probably have all different colored kitties, especially since Chase, Cassy, and Carley are all different shades of chocolate! That won’t be for about a year, so right now we’re just enjoying our little kitty population as it is.


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