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EVER March Issue

Newsletters > EVER Newsletters 2013

March 2013

This month was packed from start to finish with fun and excitement!! We had visitors, a new calf, farm work, and (finally) the beginning of our house building project!!! This month had very few down times!!!

The month began with the departure of Debbie, Mom’s cousin. We said goodbye to her at the house, and Dad drove her to the airport. We then sank back into out normal routine for a few days. Then Jason arrives on the 5!!!! The long hair was a big shock, but I got used to it by the end of his trip. After all, it was still my amazing brother Jason! We showed him around the 2215 property, on the Ranger (which he loved) and we also drove him farther down South Head Road to show him the public lake. Mom took him to Helensville and Shelly Beach, and then on the 7, his girlfriend, Jessica came. Mom baked up a storm of fresh breads and cakes. There was plain, fruit, and cheese bread, as well as chocolate coca-cola cake and lemon yogurt cheese-cake. All was as delicious as ever. Jason showed Jessica the farm on his own, and we went on a walk from Wilson road to the ocean. We had planned on taking Jason and Jessica on the Tree Adventures, however, the day before Jason arrives, the news announced a startling story: A guy had “fallen to his death” at the park, and it was no under police investigation, so (of course) we couldn’t go. Either way, we had lots of fun anyway. We watched
Life of Pi, which made me cry twice, but oh well. The next day, (the 9), Jason and Jessica went off to see Matakana and Auckland. They were gone the whole day, came back to sleep, and then officially went on their own tour of some of the main North Island Towns of the next four days. They came back on the 12, and I took them for a walk on a paper road that connected Webber Road and Wilson Road. We did that walk, and since we still had lots of energy, decided to do the other walk between the forest of pine trees and down into our neighbor’ paddock. While at the bottom (in the paddock), we saw a little baby deer, which was cute, and got wet from a sudden downpour, which was nice until our clothes were sticking to us like tape because they were completely soaked. And on the last day, Jason took me to the public lake, were I had my first water scare.

Mom’s friend, Helen, had been on the swim team and had swum across the lake for practice each day. The lake was pretty big, but I figured a good long swim would be alright. At first, I didn’t start out towards the end, because I wanted to get warmed up in the water. Jason was afraid of the drop off about 10 feet from the shore, so I swam off towards an edge of the lake not to far away (taunting Jay as I went). I noticed it was harder to swim and that I was having a hard time getting a good amount of air as I swam, but figured I just wasn’t in good swimming shape. Maybe that had something to do with it, maybe it didn’t, but Jason then decided to head towards a little jettison of sand about a 1/3 of the way across the lake. I set off as well. The water seemed to pull me down and I couldn’t get my legs up to the surface of the water to get a good kicking motion going. I tried to do a couple breast strokes, but when I came up the surface, I was gasping for air and felt like I was going to drowned or suffocate—not a very good feeling. I got the little area of land (which was lined with gorse), and Jason said he’d felt like it was pulling him as well. It made me feel a bit better to know I wasn’t the only one. Jay said that he thought maybe you just had to go calmly and not waste all you energy at the beginning, but instead pace yourself. We took about 10 or 15 minutes to rest on the sand, regaining our energy and breath, before we headed back. I went out strong, but about ¼ of the way there, I got the same feeling and I was almost certain I would start sinking any moment. I made it, obviously, since I’m writing about it, but it was
very scary, and not a feeling that’s going away any time soon. Nonetheless, I would go back to try again any day, now that I know what to expect. J

Soon after Jason and Jessica left, Dad’s parents and sister came!!!! They were here for three days, and toured Shelly Beach, Helensville (and its interesting 10-minute-time-limit bathrooms), and the property. They loved everything, and Mom made food galore of her best appetizers, meals, and deserts. Dad then took them for a week to tour other parts of the North Island like Waitomo Caves, Rotorua, and Taupo. They had a good time, and came back to the house with an exciting story of a minor train crash they were in due to a computer malfunction (which the company had assured them could certainly
not happen). They also toured the sky tower and Auckland before coming back home, to my mini excitement-attack of what they said was the most enthusiastic home-coming welcome they had ever had. They remained with us for three more days, during which Caren saw our first calf of this bout of calving. The calf turned out to be a girl, and Caren was thrilled to name the baby, Belladona (Bella), and give it the ear-tag number 141. We promised to send her updates about her new little baby!! Caren also helped us plant about 35 succulent plants (taken from the main succulent plants at Webber Road) around the dressage arena. The arena looks very “flash” now and it rained the day after we planted the succulents, so they were able to get a good start in their new homes!!! We were all sad to see Dad’s family go, but we also felt relieved to finally be able to sink back into our normal schedule. Mom and I cleaned the house very well, and Mom polished the wood floors so that they looked like brand new. Soon afterwards, we returned to doing farm work. We sprayed a few times, and one more baby was born to end the month very well.

April would be sure to bring lots more fun!! Mom and I are planning or returning to the United States on May 3, so I can do a variety of testing for school. We are also going to visit all our friends and family, shop for items that aren’t as convenient here in NZ as they are the USA, and have lots of fun!! Dad got his vacation with his family, now Mom and I would get ours!! The excitement is already building up in me, and what’s more, Jason, Mom, and I are going to Knott’s Berry Farm!! Dad will get to stay home with the animals. Planned in the nearer future of April, is a Miele (Meal-a) cooking show on the 9, that Mom and I are going to in order to see about some Miele ovens and steamers. We are also planning to do farm work, farm work, and more farm work. I am also studied extremely hard for my SAT Subject Tests that I’ll be taking in May, but everyone seems to think I’ll do fine (we’ll see). And finally (gosh, I almost forgot!) we started the building process for the house this month. We will be laying foundations in early April, and the frame work will be going up soon after that!! Lots and lots of excitement, that’s for sure!! Don’t miss the April Newsletter!!!

J.L. Stephens

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